Friday, January 3, 2014

A Christmas Present

  I have found American-style Christmas celebrations overwhelming since spending so many years in Haiti, where Christmas means eating with family and going to church.  No ribbons or bows or lines for Santa or evergreens in the living room.  (No living rooms, for that matter).  This Christmas in Alabama was no different.  The celebration was limited to 'gifts for the children, only'.  Still, the room ended up full of wrapping paper, toys galore, and children running from one toy to the other, sometimes stopping to fight with each other, sometimes crying, sometimes laughing and having fun, and generally feeling a bit over-stimulated.  The time with family was priceless, and I am so glad that we are blessed with family that loves us and chooses to express it so generously.  However, sometimes the greatest gifts aren't the ones under the tree.
  This year, I think Ryan's grandmother's favorite gift was when our four year old climbed up into her lap to watch cartoons with her (after hours of refusing her kisses and hugs).
  My favorite gift this year was a phone call from Madame Eugene, my housekeeper in Haiti.  Her salary took a huge hit when we left Haiti and she no longer had a household for which to clean, yet she spent her money to put minutes on her cell phone and call me on Christmas morning to wish me a Merry Christmas and tell me she missed me.  I miss her too!  Along with all my giving, loving, amazing Haitian friends.  Relationships are always priority one for them, and I want to learn a lesson from them and give relationships special attention in this New Year.

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully said Teresa. Just found this blog, better late than never.
